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The Jewelry Link
502 New Friendship Road

Howell, NJ 07731


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We have been in business for 32 years, with 46 years experience in the jewelry industry. This is a family owned and operated business and we treat our customers like family. The Jewelry Link offers elegant merchandise at an affordable price. Our staff is honest and trustworthy and therefore, we have a high customer satisfaction and return business.
We changed our name to The Jewelry Link, a division of Jewelry Repairs By Us so that our new customers realize that we are a full service jewelry store and not just a repair shop. We have a full-time jeweler on premises and we perform: ring sizing, soldering, polishing, engraving, pearl restringing, watch repair, watch batteries, remounting, ear piercing, appraisals and eye glass repair. We do jewelry restoration and custom designs.

The Jewelry Link carries a complete line of gold and silver jewelry along with a large selection of loose diamonds.

If you visit our store and we do not have what you are looking for, we can special order it. We also do custom designs, so you can design your own special piece. Whatever your needs, we can help you with that special gift.

We will buy your unwanted gold and silver jewelry and flatware.

We have a full-time jeweler on premises and we perform:
The Jewelry Link Logo
  • pearl restringing
  • watch repair
  • watch batteries
  • remounting
  • ear piercing
  • appraisals
  • eye glass repair
  • ring sizing
  • soldering
  • polishing
  • engraving

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